
Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Happiness in the little things

One of the things I like about myself is that I can get really happy - ok, maybe even giddy - over small, inconsequential things. I just thought about this as I pulled out a new pack of Orbitz gum. I unwrapped the boring cellophane, and a paisley-geometric-swirly, happy green pack made me smile.

Sometimes, I can let myself get down about stupid things. Things that I can't change, but that I choose to let sadden me. Looking at this simple pack of gum made me realize that I need to be aware of the little things that make me happy. If  I know little things that make me happy, I can snap out of it when I'm letting something get me down. It doesn't take a vacation, shopping spree or large ticket item to make me happy. Life is about the little things.

So, without any more rambling, here are a few things that make me smile:
  • The way Presley army crawls on her belly from the foot of the bed up to my face.
  • Talking to my precious nephews on the phone - hearing the same story twice and being just as excited when each one tells me his version and adds different details.
  • Getting a card from one of my lifelong friends. Although we don't talk as often as we should, she always seems to send me a card with a note on the days that I really need it.
  • Watching snow fall - and then running outside to play in it.
  • The ice cream truck.
  • The garbage trucks in Otovalo, Ecuador. They play happy music - it sounds like a child's piano with a concert pianist playing...and bells.
  • Going home every day and being greeted by Presley as if I had been gone for months - even if I was already home at lunch!
  • My to-go coffee cups.
  • Monogrammed anything.
  • Floating in a swimming pool on a sunny day.
You can only have so many big things in life. Most of life are little events that happen repeatedly. But, if you look for the little things - even the repeated ones - that make you happy, you don't have to dwell in a rut until one of the big events happens. Find joy in clear starry nights and amazing homemade cups of coffee. Remember to recognize happiness in daily life, because if you don't look for it, you'll forget God always gives you little happys* that you don't have to spend money on and buy for yourself. Big events are exciting and fun; they definitely stand out. But, I want to always remember the little things, too.

* A happy is just a little gift that someone gives you to make you happy. For example, here's a lime green lint roller because you can't ever find yours and your favorite color is green. It was a dollar in the dollar spot at Target. You're welcome, Rachel! :) There's no reason, and it's usually $10 or less. Just a little something to say I saw this, thought of you and know it will brighten your day. Happys  are multiple happy presents. (and yes, I know it should be spelled happies, but that just looks awkward. Since it's a word not recognized by the dictionary, I get to choose my spelling.)